Polymers as synthetic immune stimulatory molecules in vaccine delivery


Over the previous couple of decades, vaccine delivery has evolved substantially, shifting from the utilization of conventional inactive or live attenuated pathogen to more advanced recombinant substances with adjuvants (the boosting agents that enhance immune stimulation). Polymers as adjuvants have augmented the formulation and delivery of vaccines, resulting in modern vaccination approaches through oral and nasal pathways. the utilization of polymeric substances in vaccines is gaining popularity, primarily due to their ability to enhance vaccine efficacy and achieve desired immune responses through targeted delivery. Diverse approaches for vaccine delivery that are currently available are listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Different vaccine delivery techniques




Poly lactic co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA), Alum, Liposome 

Oral vaccine 

Enteric-coated formulation 

DNA vaccine delivery 

Gene gun 


Bio-adhesive polymer 


Patches of vaccine 

Inoculating live attenuated pathogens has benefits like long-lasting immunity thanks to low virulence induced mild infection with signs of a uniform pathogen of the target. However, a severe disadvantage of this method is that the risk related to severe infection thanks to the probability of the attenuated pathogen mutating into a more virulent strain. Although safer than an attenuated vaccine, inoculation of inactive pathogens may have disastrous results if not inactivated properly. a serious man-made polio epidemic broke call at 1955 within the US when defectively inactivated polio vaccines were administered to 200,000 children. It had caused 40,000 cases of polio, killing ten and leaving over 200 paralysed.

Despite a high production rate, poor safety and production error incidents have necessitated advanced approaches to vaccine delivery. One such approach is that the development of recent , robust vaccines that use ‘adjuvants’ to elicit a fast and effective immune reaction . Adjuvants tend to make complexes with delivery agents resulting in a slow release of the immunogens. These adjuvants contain the conserved molecular signatures of the pathogens that help stimulate immunity thanks to recognition by receptors (e.g. pattern recognition molecules like “Toll-like receptor”) located on the B-cells and dendritic cells of the cells mammals in unmethylated CpG islands. Vaccines are often delivered in various forms like microparticles, emulsions and immune-stimulatory complexes or liposomes. Ramon first described the utilization of adjuvants in vaccine delivery around 100 years ago. Since then, gradual improvements are made for more potential output.

Primary purposes of using adjuvants are:

(a) Decrease in number of doses and quantity of antigen

(b) Increase within the speed and duration of immuno-response

(c) Induction of strong cell-mediated and mucosal immunity

Based on biodegradability, polymeric substances are divided into two categories; natural (gelatin, chitosan, dextran, agarose, alginate) and artificial . The polymeric nanoparticles (0.1µm – 10 µm sized colloids made from natural or synthetic polymers) are suitable as vaccine delivery agents thanks to their preferable size and capability for releasing and protecting antigens by enzymatic degradation within the gastrointestinal tract. The nanoparticles are taken up quickly by mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue or MALT. samples of such nanoparticles include poly alkyl cyanoacrylate (or PACA), poly methyl-methacrylate (or PMMA). Sometimes the nanoparticles are labelled with monoclonal antibodies (a sort of antibody prepared by cloning the white blood cells within the laboratory) for specific M-cells to reinforce the absorption and elicit an immune reaction . Ellagic acid (an essential natural bioactive molecule for cancer treatment), when formulated with nanoparticle PCL [poly (ε-caprolactone)], showed increased bioavailability. The bioavailability of DAUN or daunorubicin through the oral pathway was reported to extend by 10-folds as chitosan coating was applied along side nanoparticle DAUN-PLGA.

The use of Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) for the delivery of matrix antigen has been recognised recently thanks to its rapid uptake by M-cells and transportation to lymphatic tissues. Linear polysaccharide chitosan, a partial deacylated sort of chitin, serves the aim of a mucoadhesive. Since it’s charged , it binds easily with immunogenic DNA (negatively charged) and is usually preferred over PLGA.

Table 2: Successful vaccine delivery systems using polymers



Route of delivery 

Diptheria toxoid 

Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) or PLGA 


Tetanus toxoid 

Poly (lactic acid) or PLA and PLGA 


B. pertussis hemagluttin 

Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) or PLGA 


Influenza virus, formalinized 

Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) or PLGA 

Peroral and subcutaneous 

Polymers are mainly used as vaccine carriers and adjuvants by encapsulating the antigen particles for the controlled release of vaccines inside the body. Polymeric substances in vaccines are used efficiently against several diseases. the utilization of natural or synthetic-borne biocompatible polymers has opened new avenues for the event of recent vaccines.

Pharmaceutical Solutions


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